That was good. The animation was good, but the sound was kind of crappy. All in all, though, I like it.
Esta bien. El animacion es bien, pero el ruido esta mal. Todo en todo, me gusta.
That was good. The animation was good, but the sound was kind of crappy. All in all, though, I like it.
Esta bien. El animacion es bien, pero el ruido esta mal. Todo en todo, me gusta.
Jesus christ that was amazing.
I mean...jesus CHRIST that was amazing!
Dude, that was really good.
That was really good, the fight choreography was sweet. The animation was a little too slow-paced, but it really didn't take much from the movie, and it was damn funny, especially...ESPECIALLY the MGS Menu/BFG9000 scene! That scene right there was on a higher level than most sight gags I've ever seen. This completely deserves to be featured, and I'm NOT saying that just because I know you. I'm saying it because it's a fucking funny movie, and it's solidly animated and put together. You've got a definite fan, dude.
Thanks Wookie, i would like to take the time to say F-U o0skillz0o
cute, sick, and hilarious!!
lol, wow. Joanime and Smiffy, you two have SICK senses of humor, I love it!
It's always a treat to see what you come up with. It's always silly and fun, and it always looks great! I always enjoy watching your movies! lol, I wish I could have a 50 llamas day!
One of the best stick films EVER
I remember watching your stuff back when StickSuicide was stilll around, and that stuff was awesome, too! What was that one caroon you did called, War, I think? I dunno, but you should send that in, it's definitely worthy! Anyway, you totally rocked back then and you rock harder now! I remember you were like "Hey, um, I made this cartoon, and oh by the way I'm only 11 years old." Good to see that you're still making some of the most kick-ass stick movies ever, and this one just looks amazing. Now, I understand that you were going for dark and gritty, but at times it was to the point where I couldn't see anything at all, even at the preloader. at first I thought the computer had frozen or something, but it turned out that the preloader was just too dark. The action itself was fast, furious, and realistic, without the overused slo-mo matrix-y dodging and weaving, and it came off having a real cool, believable action movie vibe. The scene transitions and camera changes were well timed to the music, and over all this was a very cinematic, well directed piece of stick-action, the likes of which haven't been seen since the later episodes of Joe Zombie, which this is definitely on par with from a directorial standpoint, and the animation is much better than those old favorites. It's great to see you're still around, and also great to see the next generation of stick movies is in very talented hands.
Wow. Man thanks for summin that up ;)
Thanks for everythin, and yeah. Sorry the movie was on the dark side.
Amazing! Astounding! Astoundazing!
Incredibly well done all around. I have one question, though...if the mythology of this series consists of made-up gods, then why does he have a cross on his armor? Just thought I'd annoy you by pointing out a trivial little inaccuracy. Still, though, awesome series, I love it. Opening was cheesy, but it did answer basic questions like "who are these guys, where did they come from, and what are they doing?" Your ability to tell a story is better than the story itself, which is why the series is cool and engaging, and also why it doesn't make much sense, but this episode helps to remedy that as much as it can, and is the best one yet. And few cartoons actually get the idea of zombies right. All in all, this is a terrific action series with a healthy dose of pseudo-intellectual fantasy storytelling mixed in for good measure, and zombies!
Don't do it.
If you are still alive, do not do it. I have suffered to insanity, and I'm still not quite what society calls "normal" or "sane". I am terrified to death of many things, like people, insects, and bacteria. But if you kill yourself, you are surrenduring to your enemies. You'd be telling them that they won, that they have power enough to make you choose to die. Nobody should have that kind of power. Take control of your life again. I am rating this movie a zero because of the message it sends to other people who have suffered as much as you and I, not for the quality of graphics or sound. I hope you are still alive and that you can read this, and if you are not, I will pray for mercy on your soul.
"I am not going to corrupt your minds. I am going to downright destroy them." -my original 'about you' when I was 15. Leaving it up because it's hilariously lame.
Age 36, Male
Joined on 8/18/04